Wedding Photographer Peoria IL | Fall Engagement Session
I feel like everything I write these days begins with something about the weather (haha!) but weather plays such a huge role in the entire tone of a session, that it’s tough to not at least mention it. In this case, we’d been having uncharacteristically warm weather riiiight up until their session, and then it got cold, and it got windy, and the frost killed all the leaves in the park where we’d initially planed to take their photos. As I was getting ready for their session I had an “aha moment” where I remembered this off-the-beaten path little spot I’d used last winter for some photos in February, and I left a little early for their session to check it out. What I found was this post-fall, caramel-colored wonderland, and I just about peed my pants right there amid the weeds. Okay, so maybe not literally but I was super excited! Rachel and Bobby were game for the location change (thanks for being awesome, you two!) and we had a glorious hour of engagement photos before the rain came. The last few frames of their session you can start to make out the rain coming down and the little water spots on Bobby’s shirt. By the time we made it back to our cars we were drenched, but our hearts were full. Enjoy scrolling through this session that happened on the perfect calm before the storm, wind-swept afternoon. 🙂