Peoria IL Maternity Session | Jessie, Steve and Baby Hinrichsen!
“Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.” – Carrie Fisher
Right?! Being pregnant is weird, and overwhelming, and scary and tiresome, and absolutely the most magnificent adventure. Nothing will ever replace the feeling of your unborn baby’s first flutters. Or the first time you notice yourself using your belly as an arm rest like it’s something you’ve always done. Or the new, probably somewhat awkward way that your partner hugs and holds you because there’s actually a teeny someone between you. True, you’ll also never forget those sleepless nights of waking up to pee every 10 minutes, and never being able to get comfortable, and the heartburn, and the nausea, and the creepy grocery store customers who just HAVE to feel your cute little baby belly that would 100% be considered “personal space” under any and all other conditions. And it’ll all be so crazy worth it that when your child-rearing years are over you’ll find yourself being *that* woman who comes up to pregnant women and new mothers just to tell them to enjoy this time because it all goes by so fast!
Jessie – as a friend and also as *that* mom who is done having babies…I want to give you some completely unsolicited mom advice. 😉 Take an hour in the next couple weeks before your due date and set it aside for you and your tiny son. Be present. Write one thing, or a few dozen things down that you don’t want to forget about carrying him inside you for these past 8 months. It’s so easy to forget these things once baby is here and motherhood is in full swing! Your future self will be so grateful that you did!
I can’t wait to see you two become parents, and I’m so looking forward to some baby snuggles once he’s here! We’re only two blocks away!!